Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Zucchero and Pa-Pa-Pa-Pa-Parmigiano...

Zucchero, now on a cross-country North American tour, performed in front of a larger than usual crowd at NY's Columbus Day Parade yesterday. NY Post had a nice article about Zucchero in a special Columbus Day section this past Friday but they seemed to have forgotten to upload articles from that extra section to their site. Here are some articles from other Northeast papers:

Zucchero confident the fame will follow

Zucchero, friend of Pavarotti, at casino to promote new album

Regarding the Philly article: Zucchero has been coming here for years so if he's looking to become a US household name now, it's going to be tough to get too far in this country at his age. I'm sure he's better known up north where I recall hearing him on radio in Western Canada about 10 years ago.

No other popular singers of note performed; there were some local favorites like Michael Amante and Giada Valenti, who are known for performing Italian classics. Last year, Amedeo Minghi performed and a couple of years back it was Massimo Ranieri so hopefully this Italian pop trend continues.

TV viewers of the parade on NBC were treated to some Italian pop courtesy of this advertising treat that has also been airing in Europe:

Parmigiano Reggiano

All in all, it seemed like a decent Fifth Avenue parade - especially when compared to what goes on in other Columbus Day parades out west.

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